ME 2030, Dynamics, Spring 2014 (Updated on March 4, 2014)
Course information
Homework assignments,
Homework policy, Homework grading.
Staff and teaching Schedule: lecture, sections, problem sessions, office hours, graders, etc.
Exams and project: (make-up exams, homework exam, final exam, hints about how to do well, rooms, dates, optional project).
Final grade formula, Grading philosophy
Recitations start Wed Jan 22.
1. a) Textbook: DYNAMICS, by Ruina and Pratap will be available ~Jan 24 (~$65) at Kraftees on Dryden Ave.
b) Optional STATICS book, by Ruina and Pratap is also available at Kraftees (~$55).
2. I-Clickers (required) from campus store for lecture micro-quizes and polls (register here).
3. Matlab samples from lecture and from a previous year of this course.
ME 2030 Matlab Tutorials by Rajesh Bhaskaran.
MIT Matlab intro and tutorials.
4. Lecture notes Spring 2013 (with recitation notes)
5. Lecture videos on Spring 2013 site
6. Piazza for course questions and comments. The first time, you need to add ME 2030 Dynamics.
7. Brett Talman's dynamics video tutorials, made for this course. 4-11 minutes each. Leave comments about what you like and don't.
(Note: the videos are numbered to match the textbook section numbering.)
Old TAM 2030 information:
spring 97, spring 2000, fall S02, F04 , S06, F06, S07, S08, F08, S09, S11, S13
Old exam collection (through S08, go to S09, S11 , and S13 sites for those exams)