
00001 /*
00003   adcx.h
00005   Nicolas Williamson and Thomas Craig - Summer 2009
00007 */
00009 #ifndef __H_ADC_EXTERNAL__
00010 #define __H_ADC_EXTERNAL__
00012 // Gains for adcx_convert function
00013 #define ADCX_GAIN_1  0
00014 #define ADCX_GAIN_2  1
00015 #define ADCX_GAIN_4  2
00016 #define ADCX_GAIN_5  3
00017 #define ADCX_GAIN_8  4
00018 #define ADCX_GAIN_10 5
00019 #define ADCX_GAIN_16 6
00020 #define ADCX_GAIN_20 7
00022 // Channels to read in from
00023 #define ADCX_CH_0 8
00024 #define ADCX_CH_1 9
00025 #define ADCX_CH_2 10
00026 #define ADCX_CH_3 11
00027 #define ADCX_CH_4 12
00028 #define ADCX_CH_5 13
00029 #define ADCX_CH_6 14
00030 #define ADCX_CH_7 15
00031 // Differential channels to read in from:
00032 // 'P' is positive channel, and 'N' is negative channel
00033 // Ex. 'ADCX_CH_P1N2' uses positive ch1 and negative ch2 for the differential
00034 #define ADCX_CH_P0N1 0
00035 #define ADCX_CH_P2N3 1
00036 #define ADCX_CH_P4N5 2
00037 #define ADCX_CH_P6N7 3
00038 #define ADCX_CH_P1N0 4
00039 #define ADCX_CH_P3N2 5
00040 #define ADCX_CH_P5N4 6
00041 #define ADCX_CH_P7N6 7
00043 //Flags
00044 #define ADCX_NOT_DONE (1)
00045 #define ADCX_DONE (2)
00046 //#define ADCX_FINISHING 3
00051 typedef struct adcx_channel_config {
00052   unsigned char chan;
00053   unsigned char gain;
00054 } ADCX_CHAN_CFG;
00056 //Functions
00057 void adcx_isr(void) __irq;
00059 void adcx_add_config(unsigned char channel, unsigned char gain);
00060 void adcx_init(void);
00061 signed short adcx_get_result(char channel);
00063 void adcx_conversion_wait(void);
00064 void adcx_convert_all(void);
00066 void adcx_convert_next(void);
00067 void adcx_convert_cfg(ADCX_CHAN_CFG * config);
00069 unsigned char adcx_register_read(unsigned char reg);
00070 void adcx_register_write(unsigned char reg, unsigned char data);
00071 void adcx_write(unsigned short data);
00072 unsigned short adcx_read_buffer(void);
00075   // *******************************************************************************
00076   // Initialize SSP/SPI1 For External ADC
00077   // *******************************************************************************
00078   PCONP &= ~(1<<10);    // power setting: disable SPI1  (bit 10)
00079   PCONP |= (1<<21);   // power setting: enable SSP (bit 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
00080   SSPCR1 = 0;       // Disable SSP to allow setting changes
00081   SSPCR0 = 0x00000000;
00082   SSPCR0 = (15<<0)    // data size: 16 bits (bits 0-3 = 15 means 16bit data)
00083   | (1<<6)      // sclk high when idle
00084   | (1<<7)        // sample on the second edge (rising edge)
00085   | (2<<8);       // bit frequency = PCLK/(CPSDVSR*(SCR+1)) =
00086 //  SSPCR0 &= ~(3<<4);    // SPI mode (bits 4-5 = 0)
00087 //  SSPCPSR &= ~(3<<0);   //clear prescale divider
00088   SSPCPSR = (2<<0);   // prescale divider  
00089   PINSEL1 &= ~0x3FC;    // clear P0.17~P0.20;
00090 //  PINSEL1 |= (2<<2)|(2<<4)|(2<<6);    // P0.17: SCK1, P0.18: MISO1, P0.19: MOSI1, P0.20: Manual SSEL 
00091   PINSEL1 |= (2<<2)|(2<<4)|(2<<6)|(2<<8);  // P0.17: SCK1, P0.18: MISO1, P0.19: MOSI1, P0.20: auto SSEL
00092 //  FIO0DIR |= (1<<20); //SSEL is output
00093 //  FIO0CLR = (1<<20); //SSEL low
00094   SSPCR1 = (1<<1);    // enable SSP/SPI1   
00095   PINSEL0 &= ~(3<<24);  //ADC reset line set for GPIO operation (P0.12 bits 24/25)
00096   PINSEL2 &= ~(1<<3);    // set trace port for GPIO use (bit 3 = 0)
00097   //Should happen automatically at startup, but just in case...
00098   //GPIO P1_16 is the ADC convert line
00099   FIO0DIR |= (1<<12);    // set P0_12 (ADC reset) to be a digital output
00100   FIO1DIR |= (1<<16);    // set P1_16 (ADC convert) to be a digital output  
00101   FIO0SET = (1<<12);    //set ADC reset line high
00102   FIO1CLR = (1<<16);    //set ADC convert line low
00103   // adc_external interrupts
00104   PINSEL0 &=~(3<<6);
00105   PINSEL0 |= (3<<6);        // Set Pin3 to EINT1 (ADCBUSY line)
00106   EXTMODE = (EXTMODE|(1<<1)) & ~EXTMODE_RB;         // Set EINT1 (Bit 1) to be edge-sensitive
00107   EXTPOLAR &= ~(1<<1)&0x0F;       // Set EINT1 to be sensitive on the falling-edge
00108   EXTINT = 0x0F;//1;
00109 */
00111 #endif // __H_ADC_EXTERNAL__
Generated on Tue Jun 29 16:36:14 2010 by  doxygen 1.6.3