Cornell Tik-Tok Efficient, robust, and nimble
open-source legged robot In progress
Updated: January 14 2019
The Tik-Tok project aims to build an open-source biped
robot platform with the dynamic balance and robustness of
Boston Dynamics's New ATLAS robot, but at a tenth the cost
and energy use. Think of it as a "Segway with legs."
Its Cost of Transport (CoT) in simulation is 0.25 (≈ human).
Tik-Tok uses high-efficiency chain drives and powerful
brushless motors to create a highly nimble robot platform.
If pushed or tripped, it can reposition its foot by up to a
full step in under a quarter of a second (also ≈ human).
Tik-Tok is 1.5 m tall (with head, as shown), weighs 30 kg,
has 12 actuated joints, has a peak joint power of 2 kW, and
is expected to be able to walk about 15 km on a single
charge of its 300 W-hr 2 kg battery.
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant No. 1317981.
Suitable for
reliable locomotion in environments designed for
Low energy with
CoT ≈ 0.25 (better than all other robot bipeds).
Robust balance, based on
high-speed, high-accuracy foot placement for balance
correction. Should match the robustness of other
successful walking robots (Petman, New ATLAS, Cassie).
Leg swing time for foot
placement, 1 radian in < 250 ms (≈ human).
Squat, sit down, stand up, climb
steps and curbs.
Jog, dance, skip, hop, etc.
(optional, but the physical capability will likely
follow from the other requirements).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.