Publicity about the Lab

Cornell Engineering Magazine lab article
A light, non-technical overview of our lab at Cornell, by Beth Saulnier (Spring 1997).
.pdf (508k) .ps (514k) .ps.Z (443k)

Discovery Channel Canada website
with some coverage of the lab walkers. April 1998.

Cornell Press Release
about the Tinkertoy walker. The walker was featured in a March 1998 issue of Science News (see below).

Science News Article about the Tinkertoy walker. "A Model Walker: Fashioning a Tinkertoy contraption that walks but can't stand." Science News, March 21, 1998, Vol. 153 No. 12.

ABC News Article
about the walking robot.

Nature write-up about Tinkertoy by Philip Ball, 25 July 2001

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