Collision Papers

A new algebraic rigid body collision law based on impulse space considerations
Chatterjee, A, Ruina, A.A simple two-parameter collision model for general 3D frictional, single-point rigid body collisions. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol 65, #4, 939-951, Dec 1998.   .pdf (280k)   .ps (897k)  ps.Z (414k)   

Two Interpretations of Rigidity in Rigid Body Collisions
Chatterjee, A, Ruina, A. Discussion of force-response rigidity vs. impulse-response rigidity. (A previous version appears in the Proceedings of ASME Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX, Nov 1997.) Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol 65, #4, 894-900, Dec 1998. pdf (186k)  ps (1150k)   .ps.Z (610k)

Realizability of Arbitrary Local Mass Matrices in Single-Point Rigid Body Collisions
Chatterjee, A, Ruina, A, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Impact and Friction of Solids, Structures and Intelligent Machine, June 1998, Ottawa, Canada. .pdf (186k)   .ps (1150k)  ps.Z (610k)

Anomalous Frictional Behavior in Collisions of Thin Disks
J. Calsamiglia, S. W. Kennedy, A. Chatterjee, A. Ruina, and J. T. (A previous version appears in the Proceedings of ASME Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX, Nov 1997 1999). Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol 66, #1, 146-152. December 1998 .pdf (191k)  ps (2123k)  .ps.Z (950k)

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