MAE 4730/5730, Fall 2015:
Intermediate Dynamics and Vibrations
Subject to change. Most recent update on Sept 29, 2015.
Professor: Andy
Ruina, <>
TA/grader: Ben Wu <>
This is the first in a two-course sequence.
The second is Advanced Dynamics, MAE 6700.
information. (Note: in Fall 2012, ME 4730/5730
was called ME 4735/5735)
ABET Syllabet
Course communications use Piazza: Please register, check for course news, and use Piazza to ask questions and make comments.
Course information
Lectures: MWF 10:10 -11.
Olin 218
Changes to Snee 1120 on Friday Sept 25.
Office hours: Andy Ruina: Mon. 2 - 5, Thurston 102 (The Conway Room)
Ben Wu: Tues. 3 - 5 Upson 211
Syllabus and Homeworks
Homework policy
Exams and grading: Grade determined by homeworks, project, prelims and final exam. All other things being exactly equal, 4730 students will tend to have higher grades.
Prelims: 1) 10/20, Gates G01 and 2) 11/17, Olin 165 (comprehensive).
Both 7:30 - 9:00 (+ extra time).
Final: Friday Dec 11, 2-4:30 PM, Olin 245 Comprehensive. No notes. No calculators.
Main Resources
1. Background mechanics for this class: Ruina & Pratap.
2. Textbooks: no official textbook, but if you like books, here are some optionsDynamics. Any book on Dynamics at a higher level than Ruina and Pratap (above), e.g. Greenwood, Synge&Griffith (pdf), O'Reilly, Moon, A. Rao, Meirovitch, ... Probably closest in philosophy is Greenwood but the organization therein is imperfect.
Vibrations. Any book with the title "Vibrations", e.g., by Den Hartog, Inman, Tongue, Mierovitch, S. Rao ...
A more elementary one, like Tongue, is good enough. Masters of the art love Den Hartog, but it is sometimes hard to follow.
Matlab. Any Matlab Primer, say Pratap.3. You have to have Matlab ($) or Octave (free) running well on your computer (comparison between the two).
4. Some MATLAB examples. Some more examples from Sophomore Dynamics
6. Some old ME and TAM Dynamics Qualifying Exam questions: doc 1, doc 2, doc 3, doc 4
MoreVibrations material
10. Matlab Engineering Vibrations Toolbox (free).
What was the course like in the past?
Fall 2012 4735/5735 Lecture notes by Kevin Kircher (5 MB)
Fall 2013 4730/5730 v1: Bryan Peele lecture notes, v2: Michael Pecorino Lecture notes
Fall 2014 4730/5730, Notes and exams available on that page
Prelims and exams from 2012-2014, all. Some solutions on previous years course www pages.
Spring 2012 ME 4770/5770 Engineering Vibrations, Richard Rand lecture notes (ME 4770 is no longer offered.)