A Three-Dimensional Passive-Dynamic Walking Robot with Two Legs and
Knees (PDF)
Collins, S. H., Wisse, M., Ruina, A.
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pages
607-615, 2001
VIDEO: From Angle
on Youtube |
(1.6 MB)
VIDEO: From Behind
Stream on
Youtube |
(1.7 MB)
Walking Medley (MOV)
(34.8 MB)
In the fall 0f 1998, Martijn Wisse visited the Cornell lab. Inspired by
1912 Bechstein patent,
he built a most remarkable machine.
Kneed Walker, by Martijn Wisse
on Youtube |
(MOV) (3.9MB)
In the summer of 2000, undergraduate
Collins worked on improving Martijn Wisse's passive walker. The
resulting walking device combines four ideas to try to lift kneed 2D
passive-dynamic walking to 3 dimensions. The ideas are:
- Use wide feet that guide the motion, as per the 1912
Bechstein patent
- Use soft heels that kill the instability from indeterminacy at the
collision of a line of contact.
- Counter-swing the arms to reduce angular momentum effects about
the vertical axis, as per the 1888
Fallis patent.
- Swing the arms side to side at appropriate times to reduce
side-to-side rocking.
We think this robot has as natural looking a steady walking
gait as any other robot in the world. Compare, for example to the Honda Humanoid.
Let us know of other comparison videos or if you disagree.