MAE 325 Staff, Fall 1999

Lectures in Kimball B11, 9:05-10:10, Mon, Wed, Fri Prof. A. Ruina (AR), Kimball 309, Prof. F. Valero-Cuevas (FV), Upson 222, Sections in The Taylor Design Studio, Upson 265, 2:30-4:30, Jie Bai (JB) (fri rec), 290 Grumman, Nathan Barton (NB) (tue rec) , 195 Rhodes, John Durkot (JD) (mon rec) , 195 Rhodes, Hee Jung (HJ) (Matlab ) , 226 Upson, Luke Y-L Chuang (LC) (fri rec) , 155 Rhodes, Phillip Oh (PO) (project) , 226 Upson, Sara Purdy (SP) (grading) , 117 TAs Andy Eichelberger (AE) Hoon Kong (HK)

MAE 325 Office/lab hours, Fall 1999

All office hours are in the Taylor Design Studio, Upson 265

  Whether you are effortlessly excelling or struggling to get by, you are encouraged 
  to come to office hours. You may learn more if you think about a problem before 
  getting help, however. If you need remedial or tutorial help you might also get 
  this from other students or through tutoring (arrange with the engineering advising 
  office in Olin Hall). If you are catching on quickly please sharpen your skills 
  further by helping others.
Facility problems? If there are any problems with the facilities (computers broken, etc), please send email to with a copy to
Schedule (as of 9/22/99), see above for names that go with initials.

Sunday 7:00P - 10:00 (LC) Monday noon - 2:00 (FV) * = last day is Nov 15 6:00P - 9:00 (PO) 9:00P - 12:00 (JB) Tuesday 4:00P - 7:00 (JD) 4:00P - 6:00 (FV) 6:00P - 9:00 (NB) 9:00P - 12:00 (HJ) Wednesday 6:00P - 9:00 (HK#) # = Eng 117 TA Thursday 9:00P - 12:00 (AE#) # = Eng 117 TA
Schedule during study/exam period

Below are the office hours that will be held through the final exam date. We hope to schedule more office hours, and an updated list of hours will be posted when the extra hours are scheduled.
"Review session": Will not conduct a formal review, you need to bring questions that you want to ask. But we will move from Upson 265 to a classroom with boards as necessary. Both John and Nathan will be there for the full time in order to try to make sure that at least someone knows how to answer any given question. John and Nathan: Monday, 12/13 : noon - 2pm
Office hours: Phil Oh: December 8 : 2:00 - 4:00 December 12 : 2:00 - 4:00 Professor Valero-Cuevas: December 8 : 12:00 - 2:00 December 13 : 12:00 - 2:00 Jie Bai: December 10 : 6:00 - 12:00 Hee Jung: December 11 : 1:00 - 5:00 Luke Chuang: December 12 : 7:00 - 11:00 John Durkot: December 10 : 12:00 - 2:00 December 14 : 11:00 - 1:00 Nathan Barton: December 14 : 1:00 - 5:00 Professor Ruina: 2-3 PM Dec 6,7,8(*),9,10,13 in Thurston (* on the 8th, office hours are 12-1 instead) 102 (The Harry "Don" Conway Mechanics Study Room). (held jointly with TAM 663 office hours, hence the Thurston location)