MAE 325 General Policies and grading, fall 1999

General Policies and grading

Exams and Grading: There will be 2 prelims and a comprehensive final exam. These will be closed book and may cover any aspect of the lectures, homework, lab/recitation, project, or assigned readings.


Your course grade will be based on a number scaled with these weights:

        +Prelims(2)          (40%)
        +homework            (15%)        
        +lab/design project  (15%)
        +Final exam          (30%)
        +bonus (for extras)  (??%)
        =Total               (100 some %).

Work load: There are 168 hours in a week. Given that you need 8 hours a day to sleep, an hour for each of three meals, 2 hours for fun, hobbies or sports, 2 hours to get from place to place, and 3 hours of extra fun on the weekends, you only have 60 hours left to spend at class and doing school work. You have to take about 16 credits a semester average to graduate so that means you shouldn't spend more than about 3.75 hours per week per credit in order not to cut in to your eating and sleeping time etc. This is a 4 credit class, so you shouldn't spend more than 15 hours per week at it. You spend 5 hours in lecture and lab, so you shouldn't spend more than 10 hours a week studying, doing homework,etc. If you find that you are spending, averaged from the beginning of the semester, more than 15 hours (class time plus work time) on MAE 325 please come talk to us.

325 homework policy, academic integrity, and assignments